Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Create.

Crystal Reports and parameters

After an unanswered post on CF-Talk, too many hours of digging around i've managed to find an MM tech note on how to pass a paramter to Crystal Reports XI. Though not one the most confident inspiring tech notes below is an even briefer description of how to do this:
<cfreport report="c:\\reports\\EmpDept.rpt">
{Employees.Department} IN [#Departments#]
<cfreport report="c:\\reports\\CustbyState.rpt">
{Customer.State} = "AK"

The following is correct syntax for using ODBC 'Date type' in Crystal Reports.
<cfreport report="report.rpt">
{table1.DateField} = {d '1997-07-01'}
<cfreport report="report.rpt">
{table1.DateField} = Date(1997, 07, 01)

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