Andy Jarrett // Code. Develop. Create.

Refynr in private beta

Refynr is a web app for cutting through the barrage of social information that arrives daily. By setting up some keyword filters you can quickly refine "refyn" and focus the updates which are relevant to you. Once this process is done you can check your stream online as well as get it emailed daily to you which is great if you are in an environment where you can check Twitter for example during the day at work or weekends on your down time.

Aavailable through the browser it really excels as a web app when you're on the go via a mobile device, you can also get the app from the Chrome store as well to breaks it out of the browser and in to a separate window which works well too. Built using jQuery mobile (which is maturing nicely) its already looking like a well polished application and I can't wait to see what the private beta feed back adds to it.

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